Mon, Apr 16, 18 Track Wired
16-Apr-2021 By Travis Geopfert
Developing Power and Stability in Athletes: Medicine Ball Lunge Toss Exercise
This right side med ball lunge toss develops power and stability in athletes. Putting the left leg forward, with the right leg back and reaching back into the pocket between their legs with the med ball. Then the athlete drives off the right leg throwing the med ball forward and landing as stable as possible on the right leg.
Click here for training plans designed by elite coaches in track and field, cross country, and road running.
This left side med ball lunge toss develops power and stability in athletes. Putting the right leg forward, with the left leg back and reaching back into the pocket between their legs with the med ball. Then the athlete drives off the left leg throwing the med ball forward and landing as stable as possible on the left leg.
Click here for training plans designed by elite coaches in track and field, cross country, and road running.
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